30th Division, 117th Infantry Regiment, L Company


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Division News

Mail Call!

We are still working on the website because we are very slow.  Hopefully we will be motivated and finish up some loose ends here.  Look for more updates, finally a new and complete dog face profile, and some more pictures.  Till then.......

Reading Air Show 2002

*Need anything for your impression?  Talk to the quartermaster, Sgt. Barclay.  Just a reminder, the Bally PA military flea market is coming up in October.  More details when I know.

*If you have any ideas or comments on the website, please email and let us know.

*Battle of the Bulge is just around the corner.  Not to early to begin signing up procedures.  Look for a link soon.

*Not too early!! Start thinking of ideas for Reading 2003!  We need to top this year!